Sensitive Data

For Your Eyes Only!

Bonds of Steel is looking for a few good men. Or women. Or...mutants. If you can code, texture, model (as in make models) or voice act, please let us know! This can be a community effort, and more talents will make the mod better.

Recent Updates

The Countdown to Release Begins

VaultboyGood news!  At least, it is to me.  The needed resources for this mod are all in place, and I am now busily coding.  Adventure areas are taking shape, plot ideas being refined, and SCIENCE! is being performed.  I expect a private beta will be ready in a few weeks, and a release candidate will be available sometime  late in November. So this means a Gold Release in late December or so.  It seems so far away, I know.  Yet, this mod needs to be properly loved and polished in order to shine the way it should, and Christ knows with all the griping I did about the crappy initial FNV release, I don't want to be subjected to that scorn from you people!  So be patient, and let me make it shiny.

Return my Mind Control Device, or be destroyed!

- Stewie

So what new content will be added you ask?  I have been dying to ellucidate. But not too, let's see.  Mind control. Yes, I said mind control.  What Fallout mod is complete without it?  The scope will be carefully managed, so give up all notions of mastering a completely zombified wasteland and leading your legions East from a chariot pulled by former NCR isn't going to roll quite like that. 

This mod will add several new interiors and new life to currently barren, shall we say, neglected areas of the Mojave.  The player will need to negotiate new challenges as part of a series of new, voice-acted quests to discover terrible secrets of the Old World, and harness them to serve the common good...whatever you decide that actually means.

There will of course be Brotherhood of Steel related spoils in terms of weapons and armor.  That much should go without saying, so I'll leave it at that.  Expect old enemies (or friends?) as well as new allies (or enemies?) and certainly, there will be robots.  Lots of robots.  Oh, and cybernetic organisms.  No, no... not cybernetic orgasms, although...

Wait, where was I? Oh yes. New food, new drugs, check.  New wonders of science to be used in saving (or enslaving) the Wasteland.  Classic treasures, ridiculous Easter eggs, and new perks will lurk around every corner, awaiting the rare scavenger bright enough to sieze them.  And of course, the reason for this mod's opportunity to rescue the Mojave Brotherhood from the dolrums of suck, and lead your own elite faction from a secure, high-tech bunker.  I shouldn't leave out the bit about the bunker, oh no. As for the specifics, well-- you'll have to wait and see!

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Caps

Development Screenshots to Appear Soon!

TeaserBe sure to check our Gallery soon for screenshots from the Development Version of Bonds. We will be posting them periodically to tantalize your senses and engage your imagination!